Quiet moments and better sleep - a mission
And Now You Sleep's mission is to explore the sleep universe and share knowledge and inspiration so that you can create peaceful moments and improve your sleep.
Explore the articles about sleep.
Articles about sleep

Søvn er selvkærlighed: Brug Valentinsdag til at prioritere dig selv
Valentinsdag handler ikke kun om romantik – det er også en dag for selvkærlighed, og hvad er en bedre måde at vise dig selv omsorg på end at investere i...

Sådan får du ny energi i vinterferien - også med børn
Vinterferien er en pause fra hverdagen – en tid, hvor vi kan sænke tempoet og nyde nærværet med dem, vi holder af. Men når rutinerne forsvinder, kan det også føles...

Lad 2025 blive året, hvor du sover godt Søvn er grundlaget for både vores fysiske og mentale velvære. Videnskaben viser, at en god nats søvn ikke kun forbedrer din energi,...

Julen er for mange forbundet med en travl kalender, der kommer til at overskygge den ro, og nærvær julen egentligt handler om. Her får du astrolog og velværerådgiver Kristina Trolles...

The 5 most important reasons to use a weighted blanket
Read about all the benefits of weighted blankets and how they can improve your sleep and well-being.

The 5 most important reasons to choose an ergonomic pillow
Deep Sleep-hovedpuden kan ændre din søvn, fordi den støtter din krop de rette steder og giver dig den rigtige hvileposition.

Are you able to set aside the screen at night?
Phones, tablets, and other screens have become an integral part of our daily lives. However, it's crucial to be mindful of how they impact our health and well-being, especially their...

Prioritize good sleep habits > Read more
Get inspired to test and implement changes gradually. Feel the effect of deeper and better sleep, the good habits will bring.

Understand your insomnia > Read more
Falling asleep can be difficult. Have you spent too many hours awake in the dark? Get to know insomnia here.
Product guides

Guide Deep Rest Weighted Blanket > Read more
It’s a scientific fact that weighted blankets are stress relieving. This guide is for your inspiration and optimal use of the blanket.

Guide Deep Sleep Body Pillow > Read more
Deep Sleep Body Pillow is designed to support your body in all positions. Discover how to use the pillow optimally.

Guide Deep Sleep Head Pillow > Read more
Deep Sleep Head Pillow is designed to optimally support your head and neck during sleep. Read about the pillow's many uses and advantages.

Choose the right weighted blanket > Read more
Use the weighted blanket as a part of your sleep ritual or for relaxation. Discover which weight will suit your body's needs.
Children and sleep

When children have difficulty finding peace before bed. 5 good tips
Finding calm before bed can be a challenge for many children, but with patience, love and establishing healthy bedtime routines, we can help them get a good night's sleep and...

Can children use weighted blankets? Find the perfect size for your little dream head!
One of the latest trends in the world of sleep is the use of weighted duvets, but can children actually use them? And which size is right?

The magic of children's sleep
A good sleep and the small moments where there is peace and rest are like small moments of magic. And who doesn't want to create magical moments for our dear...