When it comes to creating the best conditions for a good night's sleep for our little loved ones, there is no stone unturned! One of the latest trends in the world of sleep is the use of weighted duvets, but can children actually use them? And which size is right?
Weighted duvets for children: A ground-breaking trend
Weighted duvets have been praised for their ability to create a sense of security and reassurance, which can lead to a deeper and more restful sleep. The light distribution of pressure on the body can have a calming effect and help reduce anxiety and restlessness, even in the smallest members of the family.
Is it safe for children to use weighted duvets?
In general, children can use weighted duvets, but it is important to choose the right weight and size to avoid the weight becoming too heavy and the child feeling discomfort with the duvet. It is normally recommended that weighted duvets for children weigh around 10% of the child's body weight, however it is important to be aware that the child must be able to remove the duvet himself if necessary. A weighted duvet cannot therefore be used for newborns and babies who are unable to turn over or move the duvet. It is also always a good idea to consult the child's doctor or a specialist for individual advice if your child has any medical conditions or special needs.
The right size: What size weighted duvet should your child have?
When it comes to the size of weighted duvets for children, it is important to choose one that fits the size and needs of the child. A weighted duvet should not be too large, otherwise it will not provide the desired sense of security. Therefore, it is a good idea to choose a duvet that fits the child's bed size or slightly smaller. With the right weighted duvet, your child can dream sweetly and wake up fresh and well-rested for a new day of adventure!
Create calm at all times of the day
Weighted duvets can be a fantastic addition to both your child's sleep ritual and to create calm during the day. Many children can be tired and restless when they come home from kindergarten or school, and just 10 minutes on the sofa with a weighted duvet can give them peace and relaxation, which enables them to have energy for the rest of the day and evening.